Holy Spirit Catholic School Different by Design
Holy Spirit School’s mission is to empower a diverse community by providing academic excellence in a Catholic environment.
Preschool through 8th Grade
In an ongoing effort to protect children and provide safe environments for them, the Catholic Church requires training as well as background checks for all adults working with children.
All adults, whether employees or volunteers, must have a BCI background check on file. Administration, faculty, staff, and substitutes must also have an FBI background check on file. In addition, all adult volunteers and employees must complete the VIRTUS Protecting God's Children program.
Registering for Protecting God's Children session:
1. Visit www.virtus.org
2. On the left side of the page, click the link labeled “FIRST-TIME REGISTRATION”. DO NOT try to log in.
3. Choose “Begin the Registration Process”
4. Select “Columbus, OH (Diocese)” as your organization
5. Choose the session you want to attend and follow the steps to register.
Protecting God's Children Registration
Backgound Checks :
For parish or Catholic School volunteers who have been legal residents of Ohio for more than 5 consecutive years, you need to complete a BCI background check, use code: ORC 2151.86
For parish or Catholic School volunteers who have been legal residents of Ohio for less than 5 consecutive years, you need to complete both BCI and FBI background checks, use code: ORC 2151.86
Background check reports must be sent to:
re: Holy Spirit
Attention: Office of Safe Environment
197 E. Gay Street
Columbus, OH 43213
Reports not including the use code ORC 215.86 or sent to any other address will NOT be accepted.
FastFingerprints (BCI & FBI)
4207 Broad St., 2nd floor
Columbus OH 43213
(877) 932-2435
24/7 By Appt Only
East Broad Street License Agency
3481 East Broad Street
Columbus OH 43213
(614) 237-8247
Monday - Saturday 8:00am to 5:00pm
ADA Accessible
Educational Service Center of Central Ohio
2080 Citygate Drive
Columbus, OH 43219
Monday: 8:30-11:30 a.m.
Wednesday: 2:00-4:00 p.m.
Thursday: 8:30-11:30 a.m.